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McKinsey-rapport: onderwijs heeft vertrouwen, ruimte en professionalisering leraren nodig

19 november 2011

Het McKinsey rapport uit 2010 over grote veranderingen in onderwijssystemen. Om van 'good to great' of van 'great naar excellence' te komen, hebben we vertrouwen, ruimte, professionalisering van leerkrachten en verantwoording nodig. In deze bijdrage van Gabrielle Taus een webinar over dit onderzoek, de samenvatting en het rapport.


Samenvatting McKinsey-onderzoek:

How does a school system with poor performance become good? And how does one with good performance become excellent? These were the questions policymakers and education leaders asked us in the wake of our 2007 report How the World’s Best Performing School Systems Come Out on Top, in which we examined the common attributes of high-performing school systems.

In this new report, How the World’s Most Improved School Systems Keep Getting Better, we attempt to answer these questions. We analyzed twenty systems from around the world, all with improving but differing levels of performance, examining how each has achieved significant, sustained, and widespread gains in student outcomes, as measured by international and national assessments.

Based on over 200 interviews with system stakeholders and analysis of some 600 interventions carried out by these systems – together comprising what we believe is the most comprehensive database of global school system reform ever assembled – this report identifies the reform elements that are replicable for school
systems elsewhere as they move from poor to fair to good to great to excellent performance.

The systems we studied were: Armenia, Aspire (a US charter school system), Boston (Massachusetts), Chile, England, Ghana, Hong Kong, Jordan, Latvia,
Lithuania, Long Beach (California), Madhya Pradesh (India), Minas Gerais (Brazil), Ontario (Canada), Poland, Saxony (Germany), Singapore, Slovenia, South Korea, and Western Cape (South Africa).

The report’s findings include the following eight highlights:
1. A system can make significant gains from wherever it starts – and these gains can be achieved in six years or less.
2. There is too little focus on ‘process’ in the debate today.
3. Each particular stage of the school system improvement journey is associated with a unique set of interventions.
4. A system’s context might not determine what needs to be done, but it does determine how it is done.
5. Six interventions occur equally at every performance stage for all systems.
6. Systems further along the journey sustain improvement by balancing school autonomy with consistent teaching practice.
7. Leaders take advantage of changed circumstances to ignite reforms.
8. Leadership continuity is essential.

Hier de volledige samenvatting.
Samenvatting Mckinseyonderzoek

Hier het volledige McKinsey-rapport.


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