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Wat kunnen leraren leren van Finland, Singapore, Shanghai, Canada en Duitsland?

15 november 2012

Wat kunnen leraren leren van Finland, Singapore, Shanghai, Canada en Duitsland? In de videoserie 'Éducation Everywhere' kijkt Edutopia naar succesvol onderwijs over de hele wereld en naar factoren die hier mogelijk aan bijdragen. Over 'early intervention' en 'sustained individual support' tot 'cultivating strong school leadership' en 'providing resources for students in need' en 'a team of masters teachers and weekly administrations'.

Finland’s Formula for School Success

Early intervention and sustained individual support for every student are keys to educating the whole child in Finnish schools.

Singapore's 21st-Century Teaching Strategies 
By cultivating strong school leadership, committing to ongoing professional development, and exploring innovative models like its tech-infused Future Schools, Singapore has become one of the top-scoring countries on the PISA tests.

How Canada Is Closing the Achievement Gap 
In Ontario, schools have raised their test scores and graduation rates by providing resources such as full-time student success teachers, who help English-language learners and other students in need.

Shanghai's Improvement Plan for Schools 
In Shanghai, China, every low-performing school is assigned a team of master teachers and administrators to provide weekly guidance and mentorship on everything from lesson plans to school culture.

Germany Takes On Education Reform
When low scores on the 2000 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) exams revealed the inequities in their education system, many German states began to make comprehensive efforts to improve the quality of their schools.


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