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De kracht van kunst: zes, korte afleveringen van de BBC

12 april 2013

The Power of Arts is een serie waarin de BBC tracht aan te geven wat kunstvormen in het onderwijs kunnen betekenen voor studenten. In deze laatste aflevering komen studenten aan het woord van de Orchard Gardens Pilot School in Boston. Amper drie jaar geleden waren er veel problemen in deze school. Maar de introductie van 'ART' heeft voor persoonlijke en collectieve transformatie gezorgd. Hier de complete serie van BBC-nieuws. 'Can painting improve your grades?

Over the last several years the focus of US education has been fixed firmly on the sciences. But research shows that the arts help children do better in all subjects and improve the likelihood that they will stay in school longer.

The Obama administration is putting this theory to the test by investing $2m for arts education in eight of the most poorly performing schools across the country. At Orchard Gardens Pilot School in Boston, the results have been dramatic. In just three years the students at the once-troubled school have improved their basic academic skills and many say the arts have changed their lives.

Power of Art: Can painting improve your grades?

Power of Art: Can culture have an economic value too?

The Power of Art: Can creativity cure the sick?

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Power of Art: Can music help treat children with attention disorders?

Where art meets science: Who will produce the next da Vinci?

Power of art: Can creative activities help us stay young?



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