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Videotalks van TEDxAmsterdamED, met een hoogtepunt: 'We don't need no...revolution'

16 oktober 2013

Gabrielle Taus bezocht met 300 andere onderwijsbetrokkenen TEDxAmsterdamEd op 10 oktober jl.. Zestien onderwijssprekers op een internationaal podium. Voor de tweede keer in Nederland, opnieuw in het fraaie Amsterdamse Concertgebouw. Taus genoot van de meeste sprekers ('veel onderwijsverhalen zijn geworteld in de persoon, in zijn of haar ervaringen'), van de professionele organisatie en van de gastvrijheid. En in docente Claire de Pont had ook deze editie wat haar betreft een hoogtepunt. 'Ze was authentiek, echt en oversteeg haar vak. Ze realiseert zich dat ze er niet was om iedereen in haar klas Frans te leren.  Maar probeert de tijd wel betekenisvol te maken.' Kijk mee naar haar greep uit de TEDx-dag. 

Oct10_POE_LTR_topwidgetHet evenement op 10 oktober was strak georganiseerd, heel professioneel. Maar de kracht van TEDxAmsterdamED zit hem in de echtheid van de sprekers en de verhalen die stuk voor stuk geworteld zijn in de  persoonlijke ervaring. In dat opzicht heb ik ook een overweging voor de organisatie. Laat sprekers zelf kiezen of ze in hun moedertaal willen spreken. Om die authenticiteit en kracht van het individu te waarborgen. Later kunnen ze dan zo'n talk - als het internationale allure heeft - in het Engels ondertitelen.

Het was een lange dag, geen analytische. Er heerste onder het publiek een aangename sfeer, ook in de pauzes. Voor mij zat er een lijn in alle optredens. Het ging in veel gevallen over verbondenheid, over 'connectedness' en de betekenis van relaties. Sommigen benoemden het expliciet, andere spraken er impliciet over. Relatie.

Claire de Pont. lerares Frans, was heel echt. Ze geeft aan wanneer het wel lukt en wanneer het niet lukt. Ze zet zichzelf niet neer als een held, maar streeft naar een goede onderwijspraktijk waarin ze van betekenis is voor elke leerling. Niet iedereen hoeft in haar klas Frans te leren spreken, maar probeert de tijd wel betekenisvol te maken. Ze overstijgt daarmee haar vak. En is de lerares die we allemaal zouden wensen.

Vijf TED-talks uit Amsterdam op een rij...

Claire de Pont: We don't need no... revolution

For years Claire passionately taught French at Montessori Lyceum Amsterdam. In parallel she helped to create breakthrough new teaching methods together with publisher Blink and growth consultant Flare. While teaching and talking to hundreds of teachers, for these new teaching methods, it became clear to her what is holding our teachers and children back to blossom.

Charlotte Visch: All for one and one for all

During the years Charlotte Visch has worked as a teacher in primary schools where she developed her own style of teaching and interacting with pupils. The leading principle was and is  ‘All for one and one for all’. In her classroom there was no bullying, beceause she acted from the moral principle ‘we all deserve to be happy’.  After 13 years as a teacher in primary schools, Charlotte decided to become a hypnotherapist for adults. During the years that followed she noticed that the problems of adults often began in their youth so she developed the Integrative Child’s Therapy after 5 years working as a hypnotherapist. Her practice Child Consult has seen much success and and has inspired her to author many books and a design a training course for teachers called Happy Coach.  In 2005 Charlotte Visch received the document of special merit because of ‘the special way she devoted herself to stimulate the emancipation of children  by  persisting and undaunted  ongoing behaviour as well in word as in gesture’– animo forti nihil forte.’


Marcel van Herpen: Connectedness is the answer

Marcel van Herpen, along with Professor Stevens in Driebergen, is one of the founders of ‘NIVOZ’ (the Dutch institute for education and upbringing). NIVOZ explores, develops and legitimizes this new educational practice. Marcel is responsible for the development of the courses ‘pedagogical tact’ and ‘pedagogical leadership’. In 1990, he started the first school for Experiential Education in the Netherlands. In 1995, he started the foundation for Experiential Education in St. Maarten where he trained schools and developed a model for education and police (the prevention of delinquent behavior) in the Caribbean. He was the founder of the Centre for Sustainable Educating and Development. Marcel is teacher trainer, coach and guide for routes of innovation for education, government and business communities. Marcel is the author of the standard publication ‘Sustainable Educating and Development’ and ‘Experiential Education’ and also the author of many columns and articles. He is also Head Coach at the Ruud van Nistelrooy Academy.


Pedro de Bruyckere: For excellence we need a motion of trust

Pedro De Bruyckere is a Belgian educational scientist at the University College Arteveldehogeschool, Ghent since 2001. He co-wrote two books in Dutch with Bert Smits, a third book with Casper Hulshof and a fourth with Linda Duits in which he debunks popular myths on Generation Y and Generation Z, education and popular culture. He is finishing his PhD on the perception of authenticity of teachers at the University of Antwerp. In December 2011 Pedro was chosen as most inspiring public speaker on education during ‘De Kunst van het Inspireren’ in Amsterdam. Pedro is an often asked to be a public speaker as one of his strongest points is that he is funny in explaining serious stuff.In a parallel world he is still busy as guitar player and music producer and every time he is on stage talking, in the back of his mind he is wondering why he didn’t bring his guitar. Pedro is a very active blogger on (in Dutch) and (in English).

Jonathan Even-Zohar: Shape a global future - teach history beyond identity

Jonathan Even-Zohar has a degree in History from Leiden University, in World Historical Perspectives in History Textbooks and Curricula, with an honorary Crayenborgh-degree in Islam and Europe. He is a Senior Manager at EUROCLIO – European Association of History Educators, an organisation with a mission to promote History Education so that it contributes to peace, stability and democracy. Since 2006 Jonathan has managed History Education Innovation Projects in Bulgaria, Cyprus and the former Yugoslavia including many visits to these countries. Jonathan also organises international conferences, seminars, workshops, exchanges and study visits. Within these projects, many aspects of publishing, curriculum development, political influence and general attitudes towards History Education are developed. Currently he is manager of the EUROCLIO Programmes: History that Connects, How to teach sensitive and controversial history in the countries of former Yugoslavia and the EUROCLIO International Training Programme. Jonathan has been appointed to assume the position of Director of the organisation shortly after the TEDx AmsterdamED event.


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