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Sam Chaltain legt link tussen onderwijs, leren en democratie

19 november 2011

Sam Chaltain vertelt het verhaal over de link tussen onderwijs en democratie. Hij stelt drie vragen centraal: Hoe leren mensen het beste? Wat zijn de vaardigheden van vrije mensen? Wat betekent het om werkelijk vrij te zijn? Het filmpje duurt 18 minuten en is aangedragen door Gabrielle Taus.

Intro in het Engels:
Sam Chaltain is a DC-‐based writer, educator and organizational change consultant. He works with schools, school districts, and public and private sector companies to help them create healthy, high-‐functioning learning environments. Previously, Sam was the National Director of the Forum for Education and Democracy, an education advocacy organization. He was also the founding director of the Five Freedoms Project, a national program that helps K-‐12 principals create more democratic learning communities. Sam spent Hive years at the First Amendment Center as the co-‐ director of the First Amendment Schools program. He came to the Center from the public and private school systems of New York City, where he taught high school English and History. Sam's writings about his work have appeared in both magazines and newspapers, including the Washington Post, Education Week and USA Today.



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