Onderzoek: Leidt anti-pestprotocol tot meer pesten?
27 september 2013
Op scholen met anti-pestprotocols lijkt méér te worden gepest. Dat leert recent onderzoek van de University of Texas in de Verenigde Staten. Daily Science publiceerde er een artikel over dat door hersenwetenschapper Jelle Jolles werd opgepikt. Naar de oorzaak wordt gegist, maar het zou iets te maken kunnen hebben met het feit dat 'de pester' juist de taal uit zo'n pestprogramma gaat gebruiken? Lees hier het artikel.
The findings run counter to the common perception that bullying prevention programs can help protect kids from repeated harassment or physical and emotional attacks.
"One possible reason for this is that the students who are victimizing their peers have learned the language from these anti-bullying campaigns and programs," said Seokjin Jeong, an assistant professor of criminology and criminal justice at UT Arlington and lead author of the study, which was published in the Journal of Criminology.
"The schools with interventions say, 'You shouldn't do this,' or 'you shouldn't do that.' But through the programs, the students become highly exposed to what a bully is and they know what to do or say when questioned by parents or teachers," Jeong said.
The study suggested that future direction should focus on more sophisticated strategies rather than just implementation of bullying prevention programs along with school security measures such as guards, bag and locker searches or metal detectors. Furthermore, given that bullying is a relationship problem, researchers need to better identify the bully-victim dynamics in order to develop prevention policies accordingly, Jeong said.
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