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Model van QED: choices for learning, choices for life

18 december 2011

De QED Foundation is met een model gekomen waarin traditioneel leren, transitie leren en transformationeel leren in kaart wordt gebracht. Het overzicht - Choices for learning, choices for life - biedt voor leraren en leerlingen wellicht inzicht op welk terrein ze zich begeven of kan dienstbaar zijn aan individuele/gezamenlijke wensen of voornemens naar de toekomst. QED is een organisatie van jongeren en volwassenen die werken aan een duurzame student-georiënteerde learning community.

Q.E.D. Foundation is an organization of adults and youth working together to create and sustain student-centered learning communities. Our work is based on relationships and practices that first and foremost support students’ growth and learning while simultaneously improving the health of our communities and our society. klik HIER

Young people are our most important resource for the future. As we at QED have learned from experience, when students work in concert with adults who are deeply invested in their success, they bring powerful voice and vision to the work of redesigning our school communities. Their participation in the work empowers and sustains their voices and vision.

We believe every young person deserves to have aspirations, and to be supported in every way possible in developing the will, knowledge, and skills to achieve their aspirations. Every young person deserves to graduate from high school with options: the option to go to college, and the option to work. Every young person deserves to have the skills and know-how to co-create their public world, to participate in their community and help shape the local and global decisions that will impact their lives. Every young person deserves to know their strengths, to know how to leverage their strengths to overcome or compensate for their challenges, and to know how to access and effectively utilize resources.

QED's Transformational Change Model



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