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Innovatief onderwijs: 'They don't teach you this in school'

8 februari 2012

'They Don’t Teach You This In School' is een snelgroeiende online bibliotheek, vol levenslessen en adviezen voor jonge mensen en kinderen.De 17-jarige Nieuwzeelander Michael Moore-Jones startte eind 2010 met deze website die gevuld wordt door individuen die hun succes en mislukking delen met de wereld. What is one thing that they didn’t teach you in school, but that you wish you had known when you were younger?” Een uniek concept waar Michael zelf - ook per video - de introductie verzorgt. 

As each generation grows up, individuals will make mistakes and learn a huge amount. But they don't stop to pass the lessons that they've learned onto younger generations. Therefore, each generation grows up making the same mistakes and using up time that they could be using creatively.

The videos and articles here on TDTYTIS will allow you to learn from the combined knowledge and experience of other generations, so that you can be more effective in whatever you do in life.

Intro Video from Founder Michael Moore-Jones

Introduction to TDTYTIS from Michael Moore-Jones on Vimeo.

'They Don’t Teach You This In School' was founded with the aim of helping motivated young people get where they want to be faster, by learning from the knowledge and experience of today’s adult generation.

Previously, if you wanted to learn from someone you admire, you could read a book about them or try to meet with them. But the Internet has allowed something much more effective, with the combination of social networks, video websites, and blogging services.

We have a continuously expanding archive of videos of adults in all professions. The videos are intended to give you a snapshot of an important lesson or experience that these people have had, that has helped them get to where they are now. We want you to be able to learn about a lot of these lessons quickly, and then be able to apply them to your own life to help you get ahead.

All our videos are of people answering the question:
What is one thing that they didn’t teach you in school, but that you wish you had known when you were younger?”

TDTYTIS was founded in December 2010 in Wellington, New Zealand, by Michael Moore-Jones.


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