'No Child left Behind Act' op retour in VS
21 februari 2012
Het meest recente onderzoeksrapport over het Amerikaanse onderwijs toont wederom aan dat het NCLB-beleid (No Child Left Behind) in de VS op z'n retour is. Ondanks al het geld en inzet blijkt uit de gegevens dat men weinig tot geen vooruitgang ziet. Jozef Kok - voorzitter van de Adviesraad van het PO Platform Kwaliteit en Innovatie - stelt het onderzoek beschikbaar.
The first installment was published in 2000, just as the Presidential campaigns of George W. Bush and Al Gore were winding down. Education was an important issue in that campaign. It has not been thus far in the current campaign for the Republican nomination (as of February 2012). And it is unlikely to bea prominent issue in the fall general election. Despite that, the three studies in this Brown Center Report investigate questions that the victor in the 2012 campaign, and the team assembled to lead the U.S. Department of Education, will face in the years ahead.
The first section is on the Common Core State Standards, a project thatPresident Obama has backed enthusiastically. Forty-six states and the District of Columbia have signed on to the Common Core; detailed standards have been written in English language arts and mathematics; and assessments are being developed to be ready by the 2014–2015 school year. The first section attempts to predict the effect of the Common Core on student achievement.
Despite all the money and effort devoted to developing the Common Core State Standards—not to mention the simmering controversy over their adoption in several states—the study foresees little to no impact on student learning. That conclusion is based on analyzing states’ past experience with standards and examining several years of scores on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
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